Food Festival

"Leave no stone unturned", that's a famous quote but ever heard "Leave no place unattended"? Seems that's the motto, our group (read, gang) is following these days where unturned stones are being turned by cracking the jobs/apps/profiles/trips and by zeroing in the definition of 'place' to eating joints.

Be it Pinnacle, Heaven and Earth, Tandoor, Zara Tapas, Main Street, Mainland China, Little Italy or Minar - the gang can be spotted anywhere & everywhere and the list goes on and on. Amidst the several liter of booze we gulped down our throats, several Kilograms of yummy food and several thousands of moolah spent, the most noticeable factor is - Its happening! Things are on move and I strongly believe - Every Success should be welcomed arms-wide-open by celebrations!

The fun of these days makes me nostalgic. The enthu and the chemistry of the gang is the closest approximation possible to the good old bunch of friends of college (read, insti). Those were the days; and I never thought I could live them up again.


vishnoi said...


seems that u are going in for quite a number of treats eh!

for this time.. all i can say is : keep them coming!

Jeet said...

cool be.. mujhe to pata hi nahin tha ki chennai main dhang se restaurants bhi hain :))

Woodooz said...

would really miss all the moments with u in chennai.... my best wishes.. cheers :) as always...
